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Re: wwwconfig-common status

hi penny,

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 11:47:16AM +0200, Penny Leach wrote:
> With someone looking for documentation on it and being pointed to lurker
> and phpmyadmin.  However, neither of those packages seem to depend on it
> anymore, and both packages' changelogs reference removing the dependency on
> it.

the way i parsed that, i read "these packages use the 'drop a symlink in
conf.d' method".  you'll also see a reply from me in that thread where i
mention a "webapps-common" package, but you'll also notice that that was
something like 2 years (eeks!) ago now.

> I apt-got source it and it seems to be just a bunch of shell scripts for
> doing stuff.  Shall I ignore it completely?

i'd suggest so.

> If so, do we not have a way to have common (centrally translateable etc)
> templates for asking questions like "what url do you want your new website
> to be accessible on" etc, similar to the common templates that
> dbconfig-common provide?

this was the primary goal of webapps-common (i.e. a parallel to
dbconfig-common).  i say "was" because i lost most of my interest in
running this as a pet project on my own and there haven't been any
takers-on for adopting and/or co-maintaining it.  there were a couple
folks with some passing level of interest, but maybe once they saw the
(admittedly horrific) code they ran screaming :)

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 01:33:33PM +0200, Penny Leach wrote:
> This seems to be solved for database related questions, by dbconfig-common,
> it would seem sensible to do something similar for webapp packaging, or
> maybe it's just overkill and every webapp maintainer can continue to write
> their own debconf templates.

if you're feeling adventurous, you can try the latest webapps-common from
the svn repo (svn://svn.debian.org/svn/webapps-common/webapps-common/trunk),
which is packaged and i believe is "mostly" working, but the quality and
complexity levels are a bit dubious :) there's some documentation shipped
in the package and it works very similar to dbconfig-common if you're
familiar with that.

but if you want something that will work right now in unstable, you're
probably best off picking an arbitrary subdirectory name, dropping the
apache conf in /etc/<pkg> and symlinking it to /etc/apache2/conf.d/, no
debconf questions asked (or maybe one: "enable this webapp?").


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