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Re: Depend on mysql-client for lamp web application

Gareth Ardron dijo [Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 02:02:18PM +0100]:
> But you wouldn't need to depend on mysql-client if you don't call that 
> program. For example, any php-based programs would be calling mysql 
> through php4-mysql, which in turn depends on libmysqlclient - not on 
> mysql-client.

...You can redo your maintainer scripts to do this interfacing via,
say, php4-cli - Agree, this would again introduce a dependency on
something used only for the installation (and, in this case, three
times larger, not counting any other dependencies that would pull in
as well), but if your webapp does any server-side maintenance
(i.e. cronjobs) written in PHP as well, this might be the way out.

Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)1451-2244 / 5623-0154
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