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Re: docs updated, working copy of php draft now available online

* Charles Fry (debian@frogcircus.org) disait :
> > >         5.1.1: I must have joined the list after this was discussed, but
> > >             it seems to me that creating symlinks is far more portable
> > >             (accross httpd servers) than creating Alias directives. Have
> > >             you talked about the possibility of prompting for the
> > >             document root, with /var/www as the default, for example?
> > 
> > i was hoping that we could solicit some feedback from the non-admin
> > httpd maintainers to get an idea of how many servers did and didn't
> > support such a feature.  i think the general consensus is that we
> > should be agnostic of the documentroot and not mess around with files
> > and symlinks in there if at all possible.

I think so. IIRC, we also spoke on this list about an alternative to
/var/www which is /srv.
We just cannot assume where the DocumentRoot is, that's pure local data,
and depends on the local admin's philosophy.

> The current Debian Polciy says, section 11.5, says:
> [...]

That's precisely why we started writing a *webapp* policy: because the
current Debian policy is becoming more and more outdated regarding web

I don't think taking the current policy for discussing webapps' issues is
a good idea, if not for underlying issues it brings.

Moreover, putting symlinks everywhere should be the very last solution to our
problems, that's definitely not a best practice to symlink the file

If we can avoid symlinks, we win a point ;-)



 - Alexis Sukrieh 

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