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Re: docs updated, working copy of php draft now available online

On Friday 05 of August 2005 17:37, Charles Fry wrote:
> > I'm using something like this:
> >
> >  pear \
> >      -d bin_dir=/usr/bin \
> >      -d doc_dir=/usr/share/php/docs \
> >      install --installroot=$(pwd)/tmp --force --nodeps package.xml
> We should definitely provide a simpler interface to this command. :-)

Notice that this values can be overrided by `pear config-set' to uknown value 
and then the state will be undefined. These values have to be set explicity.

> > I'm afraid that it is not possible to make easier this task.
> Piotr,
> While I admire your code, I think it would be easier to discuss it if
> you explicitely enumerated the steps you perform (in English instead of
> code), and outlined the specific technical/policy issues motivating each
> step. I think that will make it easier to discuss, which we should
> definitely do if this is going to become more official.

In short explanation:

Some PEAR packages installs its documentation 
into /usr/share/php/docs/$PACKAGE/, some installs files 
into /usr/share/php/docs/$PACKAGE/docs/ and doubles "docs" in path.

Call `dpkg -L php-pear | grep docs' and see that official PHP packages are not 
compatible with the Debian Policy.

 .''`.    Piotr Roszatycki, Netia SA
: :' :    mailto:Piotr_Roszatycki@netia.net.pl
`. `'     mailto:dexter@debian.org

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