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Re: tiny trouble using 'Recent build results' query page


Following my previous email, here is joined a patch (using GIT) that is related
to small HTML rendering corrections and other changes related to my trouble.
But it is not clear to go to it related to the absence of 'suite' or an empty in
the HTTP query with the sanitize_params function. This tries to look also to
alternative 'dist' parameter and to also check value calling check_suite().
As a general remark, it is not clear the purpose of this parameter sanitizing to
prevent from SQL injection or to check value that are existing one and getting a
Also the SQL query could be empty having bad values or nothing to deliver for
the 'good' parameters.
In brief, my problem is not yet solved.

Le lundi 06 mars 2017 à 20:43 +0100, Patrice Duroux a écrit :
> Dear Debian WB Team,
> Using the query page at https://buildd.debian.org/status/recent.php
> and selecting 'Suite: --any--' will send to the following URL:
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/recent.php?pkg=&a=amd64&suite=&limit=30
> that does not give the expected result as the one by:
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/recent.php?pkg=&a=amd64&limit=30
> Isn't it?
> Also the source code of the page is showing strange syntax for the first
> 'option' element (a whitespace is missing) and wouldn't it be better to use
> double quote in attribute value instead of single:
> <form action='recent.php' method='get'>
> <p>
> Package(s): <input size='30' placeholder='pkg1, pkg2, maintainer@debian.org'
> type='text' name='pkg' value='' /> Arch(s): <input
> placeholder='amd64,armel,all,...' type='text' name='a' value='' /> Suite:
> <select name='suite' id='suite'>
> 	<option value=''selected='selected'>--any--</option>
> 	<option value='sid'>sid</option>
> 	<option value='stretch'>stretch</option>
> 	<option value='stretch-backports'>stretch-backports</option>
> 	<option value='jessie'>jessie</option>
> 	<option value='jessie-kfreebsd'>jessie-kfreebsd</option>
> 	<option value='jessie-backports'>jessie-backports</option>
> 	<option value='wheezy-security'>wheezy-security</option>
> 	<option value='wheezy-backports'>wheezy-backports</option>
> 	<option value='wheezy-backports-sloppy'>wheezy-backports-sloppy</option>
> 	<option value='experimental'>experimental</option>
> </select>
> Regards,
> Patrice
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           <command> [<args>]

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   reset      Réinitialiser la HEAD courante à l'état spécifié
   rm         Supprimer des fichiers de la copie de travail et de l'index

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   grep       Afficher les lignes correspondant à un motif
   log        Afficher l'historique des validations
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