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tiny trouble using 'Recent build results' query page

Dear Debian WB Team,

Using the query page at https://buildd.debian.org/status/recent.php
and selecting 'Suite: --any--' will send to the following URL:
that does not give the expected result as the one by:
Isn't it?
Also the source code of the page is showing strange syntax for the first
'option' element (a whitespace is missing) and wouldn't it be better to use
double quote in attribute value instead of single:

<form action='recent.php' method='get'>
Package(s): <input size='30' placeholder='pkg1, pkg2, maintainer@debian.org'
type='text' name='pkg' value='' /> Arch(s): <input
placeholder='amd64,armel,all,...' type='text' name='a' value='' /> Suite:
<select name='suite' id='suite'>
	<option value=''selected='selected'>--any--</option>
	<option value='sid'>sid</option>
	<option value='stretch'>stretch</option>
	<option value='stretch-backports'>stretch-backports</option>
	<option value='jessie'>jessie</option>
	<option value='jessie-kfreebsd'>jessie-kfreebsd</option>
	<option value='jessie-backports'>jessie-backports</option>
	<option value='wheezy-security'>wheezy-security</option>
	<option value='wheezy-backports'>wheezy-backports</option>
	<option value='wheezy-backports-sloppy'>wheezy-backports-sloppy</option>
	<option value='experimental'>experimental</option>


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