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Re: Emdebian auto-signing

On Sat, 1 Oct 2011 15:13:33 +0200
Kurt Roeckx <kurt@roeckx.be> wrote:

> I can't really follow what you're writing very good.

:-) There are lots of bits of what we do which are quite different to
how normal Debian processes work.

0: Emdebian deals with binaries from other buildds, not from source
1: Emdebian handles all architectures identically on one machine
2: For Grip, there is no recompilation - just unpacking and repacking.
3: Packages get an em1 version suffix and go to bespoke suites.
4: the source package is completely unchanged
> With "buildd" do you mean what we run, or the thing you do
> to generate your new files?  Maybe sometimes one, sometimes
> the other?

Always the same Emdebian process - it never involves compilation. It is
architecture-neutral / architecture-agnostic in that it is a set of
scripts which unpack the .deb, remove files and repack the .deb with
appropriate management + version suffix. It's been working for Emdebian
now since before Lenny. Resulting binaries are binary compatible with
Debian but average out ~40% of original size.

Being architecture-neutral, the same machine processes packages for all
supported architectures: i386, amd64, armel, mips, mipsel & powerpc
currently. The process is also v.v.fast - typically takes 30 seconds
per package or ~1minute for large packages like the kernel, mainly
because we can do all the work on a fast amd64 machine.

However, once done, I get a normal .changes file which could be
uploaded to the new suites just as an existing buildd does. It is this
stage which interests me now, esp. for the auto-signing.

For Emdebian, I'd be uploading .changes files to ftp-master -
one .changes file per arch per package version - but quite often
uploading binaries of the same package, same version for i386 and then
armel and then mips and then ....

(There is the added complication that the Emdebian process changes the
package from unstable to unstable-grip, from testing-proposed-updates
to testing-proposed-updates-grip etc. but this is managed in the
current process, so the .changes file is correct.)

> How the auto signing works for our buildds is that after the build
> the generated files are moved from the chroot to the "build"
> directory (as it has always done), but then signs it with the key
> specificied in the config file (if any) and after signing it
> moves it to the upload directory.  And then we have a cron job
> doing the actual uploads.

I don't use chroots because there's no compilation. It's all handled
in /tmp/grip.XXXXXX dirs. However, the directory layout is easy to

So the secret key to sign the .changes file lives on the buildd, just
outside the chroots normally used? My question really comes down to how
that secret key is managed - does DSA have to have access to the
machine where that secret key is kept? How is that managed currently?
(Does DSA just have normal user access or sudo?) Does the wb team need

Currently, the machine in question is accessible by me, zumbi & wookey.

> We need to generate the keys on the buildd and then add them to
> a file on ftp-master, which then gets added to a special keyring.
> ftp-master has rules on which machines are allowed to have such keys,
> and things like that.

> I think you really need to talk to ftp-master about all this.

I've been talking to ftp-master since the start of the integration
process. Most of the current plan is derived from ftp-master ideas.

Before the key is generated and submitted to ftp-master, I just wanted
to clarify who from Debian needs access to the box where the key is
stored (esp. as the key will be passphrase-less) and what kind of
access is required.

I then need to get the new suites setup on ftp.debian.org which I
understand will be delayed as ftp-master are awaiting new


Neil Williams

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