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Re: Question to candidates: what are your quantitative diversity goals and metrics?

I apologize for misunderstanding your reason.

Am 29.03.2024 16:28 schrieb "Roberto C. Sánchez" <roberto@debian.org>:

Hi Sven,

On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 03:57:57PM +0100, Sven Mueller wrote:
>    Hi Roberto.
>    Most of the reason you are asking here so persistently is that Andreas
>    chose to say "over representation of white males" instead of "under
>    representation of some other group" (be it females, POC, ...).

This is not it at all. You misunderstand me.

If Andreas had chosen to say "${group} is under represented" then I
would have asked exactly the same question in exactly the same way.

In fact, Sruthi's platform states, "... more gender diverse people will
feel comfortable joining our community". This is the exact part of her
platform that I quoted in my initial mail, in part because it fairly
strongly implies under representation of gender diverse people.

The reason for asking the question in the first place is because the
statements made by the candidates demand some level of quantification.
What, precisely, is the problem with asking for a quantitative
description of a quantifiable problem?

This is false. One doesn't need a specific target. And in fact, while both platforms call out in line way or the other that there is a misrepresentation, neither needs to have a quantifiable goal.

In fact, both mostly aim to make Debian a welcoming place for everyone, no matter of which gender or ethnicity they are. And Andreas in particular had made this clear in his replies to you.

His goal quite obviously is not to reach a specific distribution but to reduce any obstacles keeping those in under represented groups from joining.

The reason for asking so persistently is because the question still is
not being answered.

Because there is no numeric answer. Which you insist on getting.

Kind regards,

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