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Re: Call for vote: public statement about the EU Legislation "Cyber Resilience Act and Product Liability Directive"

On 15/11/23 at 00:49 +0000, Luca Boccassi wrote:
> What do you think? Here's what I came up with:


FWIW, I would likely second something along those lines. Some comments:

>     The Debian project however notes that not enough emphasis has been
>     employed in all parts of these regulations to clearly exonerate Free
>     and Open Source Software Projects from being subject to the same
>     liabilities as commercial products

I find this part a bit ambiguous. When GitLab or Proxmox or RedHat sells
services around a free software product, I think it's OK if they are
covered by this regulation. Maybe it would be better with

Maybe we should underline specific borderline situations where the
impact of the regulation would be unclear?

>     , which has caused uncertainty and
>     worry among Free and Open Source Software developers and stakeholders.
>     Therefore, the Debian project requests the legislators to enhance the

(minor) s/requests/asks/? (can we request the legislators?)


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