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Re: Some thoughts about Diversity and the CoC

>>>>> "Scott" == Scott Kitterman <debian@kitterman.com> writes:

    Scott> I think you reinforce my original point.  In this case, the
    Scott> 'other side' isn't the proposer of the option, it's me.

    Scott> What I'm hearing is that the CoC isn't for people like me
    Scott> because you are completely dismissive of my discomfort.

Given that Simon has his preference, what would you prefer to have
Are you saying you wish there were options on the ballot both with and
without diversity?
Are you asking for your concern to be acknowledged, but perhaps not for
some other change?
How would you like for us to value both Simon   's position and your

These are serious questions.
I don't want to be dismissive, and I understand how it might come across
that way.

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