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Re: Proposal to overturn init systems premature GR

>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> writes:

    Ian>  2. The DPL's decision to call for a vote on the init systems
    Ian> GR is overturned.  (Constitution 4.1(3).)

This was not a DPL decision.
This was a decision of an author of a proposal on the ballot.
So I don't think this is a decision that can be overturned under 4.1

For those considering how to respond in thinking about whether to
overturn or put on hold my decision to change the minimum discussion
Please note that what I effectively did is make it so that all
amendments are treated the same.

Under Ian's constitution, amendments proposed by the author of the GR
reset the discussion clock, but other changes to the amendments do not.
I used the DPL's powers to make sure that we had a consistent playing
field by making it so that like the other authors of proposals on the
ballot, I was able to accept amendments without delaying the process.

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