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Closing Statement

The last two weeks have been exhilarating.  I've had the privilege to
participate in a discussion with you all (candidates and voters alike)
about the future of Debian and where we'd like to take the project.

I'm pleased to see that Debian is the vibrant, live community I've known
it to be.

For me this discussion has validated that Debian does grow and change.
There have been a few issues that were absent in this discussion; many
because we've made them priorities or accepted that we need to do that
work.  Other issues came up and seemed strangely out of place.  And then
I realized they were out of place because we've made progress and our
community has changed and they aren't the big issue they would have been
a few years ago.

Regardless of who wins, I hope we keep the energy and ideas we've shared
here alive.  I know I'd be eager to work with any of the other
candidates either as the DPL or in helping whoever we elect turn this
discussion into reality.

Thank you all for your time and dedication.

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