Q to Chris: create our own outreach initiative
You write:
> Thirdly, I will create our own outreach initiative. The Outreachy project has
> been incredibly successful both in involving new developers under-represented
> in free software but also as a marketing coup for the GNOME project. Whilst a
> Debian-specific enterprise could not be as comprehensive, it would give us more
> flexibility in the manner of contributions as well as underline Debian's
> dedication to "universality" in all its forms with the public at large.
Could you give more details? How would that work? How much would you be
involved as DPL?
I must say that I have a lot of doubts about such programs. One thing I value
in Debian is that, when working on Debian, we can mostly forget who is the
employer of contributors, and focus on doing what's right for Debian (which is
also a way of ensuring that our actions are aligned with our priorities). It
might kill a lot of fun for me if other contributors were Debian employees.
What kind of limits or safety mechanisms do you think should be implemented to
ensure that this program does not turn into Dunc Tank 2 ?
I'm also a bit surprised that you qualify Outreachy as a "marketing coup for
the GNOME project". Could you elaborate on that? Surely in OPW times, GNOME was
prominently mentioned, but they also did a lot of work. I'm really not sure
that Debian should "fork" Outreachy. Also, I wonder what blockers you have in
mind when you write:
> it would give us more flexibility in the manner of contributions as well as
> underline Debian's dedication to "universality" in all its forms with the
> public at large."
and whether getting Outreachy to change to address those blockers would be a
better option.
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