Q to Chris: improving our onboarding process
First, thanks a lot for running for DPL. I'm a bit disappointed by the
amount of discussion so far. DPL campaigns used to be the time of the
year when we take a step back and look at what we are doing (and should
do). It's a pity that we seem to be losing that tradition (even if it's
probably a good thing for DPL candidates :P)
My first question is about "improving our onboarding process".
You write:
> DPL platforms are often accused of including many vague promises to be
> "transparent", "increase participation", "promote non-packaging work"
> and so forth. Such overly-general promises are ultimately
> counterproductive; lacking a concrete metric of success or failure,
> they can easily lead to burnout and a lack of confidence in the role
> in general.
But then, you write:
> Secondly, I will improve our onboarding process for new users and
> developers. As suggested above, we are losing a large number of
> newcomers with a mixture of missing information in places and overly
> complex detail in others. I would experiment with practices such as
> usability testing to identify our biggest bottlenecks to, for example,
> a new user hearing about Debian and them trying it on their system.
It seems that you are mixing two different issues here: new users, new
developers. Why is it relevant to merge them together?
Also, you give usability testing as one example of things you would like
to try, and quality of documentation as something that should be
improved. Are there other examples of things you would like to try that
we aren't doing yet, or are not using up to their full potential?
As DPL, how do you plan to be involved in all that? (Which can range
from "saying that it's important and hoping that people will follow" to
"I'm prepared to do all the work myself if necessary")
Specifically about "missing infomation in places and overly complex
detail in others", how do you think that we should transform our
developers documentation? (which is in a poor state, I agree, with a mix
of not-so-maintained and partially outdated semi-official documents like
dev-ref, and many wiki pages)
Last, what is your "concrete metric of success or failure" for this
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