Re: [Proposal] GR: Selecting the default init system for Debian
Le Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 08:39:52PM +0100, Guillem Jover a écrit :
> This is the revised draft GR proposal (please see below); I'm looking
> for sponsors now.
Hi Guillem,
if the result of the current TC vote is « further discussion », then I will
second your GR. In the meantime, it is probably better to focus our thoughts
on something else; it is only a matter of days now.
In the past, I have been alternatively on the side of proposing an impopular
GR, and of strongly criticising another GR for its uselessness. My personal
conclusion is that in doubt, a GR could contain an « rotten tomatoes » option
such as: « this GR should not have been proposed », perhaps with a better
wording. Can you consider that addition ? I will take my share of tomatoes if
it turns out that the Project finds the option useful !
Have a nice day,
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