Re: Naming of non-uploading DDs (Was: GR: welcome non-packaging contributors as Debian project members)
Le Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 09:00:32PM +0900, Stefano Zacchiroli a écrit :
> The Debian project therefore invites the Debian Account Managers to:
> * Endorse the idea that contributors of non-packaging work might become
> Debian Developers, albeit without upload access to the Debian archive.
> * Establish procedures to evaluate and accept contributors of
> non-packaging work as Debian Developers.
> * Initiate the appropriate technical measures to enable contributors of
> non-packaging work, which get accepted as Debian Developers, to
> participate in Debian decision making and to access Debian
> infrastructure.
It seems to me that, if “albeit without upload access to the Debian archive”
were removed, it would not close the possibility for the people in charge to
restrict upload capacities of developers who do not need them (do-o-cracy),
while at the same time it would make the GR more neutral, focusing it on
acceptance of new members, without suggesting restriction and therefore
difference of status.
Would such a change be a happy end for everybody ?
Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan
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