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Re: Question for all candidates: Handling declassification of debian-private (GR 2005-02)

Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> writes:
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 03:21:23PM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
>>On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Fabian Fagerholm wrote:
>>> If you were elected DPL for the next term, what would you do about this
>>> GR and when? How would you ensure that the declassification can happen
>>> in a timely manner and fulfil all the requirements? What would your
>>> declassification team look like -- how many members would it have, how
>>> would they be selected and would you impose any structure among them?
>>I would _not_ organize this myself. The DD who are interested in
>>declassification of those mails should come up with a proposition
>>and I'll gladly bless them (if it doesn't contain anything
>>objectionable - that said I don't see what could go wrong).
> Without wishing to just add <aol> here, I think Raphael and I are in
> broad agreement. I'm not going to treat the declassification effort as
> a personal priority, but I'd love to hear from people who would like
> to get involved. If I can help them get the job done (resource
> allocation, delegation, etc.) then so much the better.

For the sake of completness: I would need to put a "ME TOO !!!!1"
here. The declassification of -private mail will involve big amounts of
manual work. The DPL can't force people to do so, so we just need to
wait for someone to come forward interested in doing this and then
provide as much help as possible.

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