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Re: A summary of the current firmware GRs (Was: Summary? (Or: my vote is for sale!))

Le mardi 03 octobre 2006 à 22:15 +0200, Sven Luther a écrit :
>   2) The proposal made by Josselin, which basically proposes that we don't
>   require the source code for firmwares 'as long as there are no other
>   technical means to install and run the Debian system on these devices',
>   which is a longer lasting proposal, since it may extend to etch+1 and
>   beyond.

And it may well not extend to etch at all. It all depends on the work
done on this topic, freeing the hands of volunteers, which work is
postponed after the release with the kernel team's proposal.

Also, the kernel team proposal proposal will end up extending post-etch
as well; if we don't have the technical means to implement it, we will
end up with this same discussion again and we all know the result.

> (I feel that in the end both proposals are mostly identic, except that the
> first one is explicitly mentioning etch, and that the second one is more long
> termed. Josselin, do you think you could reword your proposal as an amendment
> to the final draft based on Frederik's proposal, instead of the now defunct
> proposal from Steve).

I am not willing to reword the proposal until Don's GR is accepted. If
it is, it will of course not make much sense to keep it this way.
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `'                        joss@debian.org
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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