Hi, Last call. BTW, the most common cause of a rejected ballot is people forgetting to sign it. This close to the deadline, those of you who haven't yet voted can't afford to take chances. Sign the ballot!. Votinge period starts 00:00:01 UTC on December 18th, 2005. Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC on December 31st, 2005. The following ballot is for voting on a General Resolution to address procedures to publish posts from the debian-private mailing list. The vote is being conducted in accordance with the policy delineated in Section A, Standard Resolution Procedure, of the Debian Constitution. The details of the general resolution can be found at: http://www.debian.org/vote/2005/vote_002 You may see the constitution at http://www.debian.org/devel/constitution. For voting questions contact secretary@debian.org. HOW TO VOTE Do not erase anything between the lines below and do not change the choice names. In the brackets next to your preferred choice, place a 1. Place a 2 in the brackets next to your next choice. Continue till you reach your last choice. Do not enter a number smaller than 1 or larger than 3. You may skip numbers. You may rank options equally (as long as all choices X you make fall in the range 1<= X <= 3). To vote "no, no matter what" rank "Further discussion" as more desirable than the unacceptable choices, or You may rank the "Further discussion" choice, and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank. Unranked choices are considered equally the least desired choices, and ranked below all ranked choices. (Note: if the Further Discussion choice is unranked, then it is equal to all other unranked choices, if any -- no special consideration is given to the Further discussion choice by the voting software). Then mail the ballot to: gr_declassification@vote.debian.org. Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. NOTE: The vote must be GPG signed (or PGP signed) with your key that is in the Debian keyring. - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- f378e990-87f2-4670-8dd0-b227e4f4ef5c [ ] Choice 1: Establish declassification procedure for posts to debian-private [ ] Choice 2: Establish declassification procedure for future posts only [ ] Choice 3: Further discussion - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project secretary, is appended below. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBEOgLrYRBACjAM0gHv9zm9gPzhyz7tGKeN0hR67jEBOpjXIy5GMj+QnEaGWA 8GZMtkfZIPWyJFNfUJIpxZjJoKXUiaepby6yb1uE31rO0OwwhuCBTpsnwj8IQ3tA T64LagZlKqmTnl56z0w6s3PfjuIbjaEglzSP5S6wJs7Qflp+RMwz3OwyKwCgk6+I 5+HCsA/MqIMfqiF0FBJNq/sEAJNsjhHjYIhiqfWNk1hC3ccAYHn23l1XRe6f+eKa vOyN/ed5W9QlkA9iVCK+bIJpZG4vZvDMp80y3ykIz2GJ9mCMZIeIsqgoxj1tNtIV ZoR95WdZeF66W4kMutMnpgkv176bOEYt8Or0PCIaqZC+vlxFo0NK5qh8mF51MzK1 whX0A/wKIWm4WcCwQuEieLvea9k0NnDl1kIKSAKWeI007BKuphUw+WGgswdeVuWk VuxMj7247PlObljhIoZ8wrHvo/bK9FAma2WquRWQl+f8ueciN9udsHsza8Z9NC0/ +81npeaoIwZ87qwopuIY8QHrmVht7YymYYGPnYQxnXhIS66HTLRLRGVjbGFzc2lm aWNhdGlvbiBWb3RlIChFcGhlbWVyYWwgS2V5KSA8Z3JfZGVjbGFzc2lmaWNhdGlv bkB2b3RlLmRlYmlhbi5vcmc+iGYEExECACYFAkOgLrYCGwMFCQAqMAAGCwkIBwMC BBUCCAMEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRBALF9IO07gYbj4AJsG7vMpFjiZY1T5CBZC0cZo nR/F0ACcDdCsR4oHl9SWvwM1tYAn6T8FCbOIRgQQEQIABgUCQ6AvyQAKCRAhutq7 vyRCTFkSAJ0Tt9LvlblXzP84w9B1hBrogB/x4wCgihQ6IlY/LtpAR6ZPP8leFIxi AGS5Ag0EQ6AuvRAIAKa383b33/nNe4oBD+8Lgf9kw8ByAHqgn5X0JLCmUUTaBt9d GOHWNKVzaBabcKEOlCqRaduL8RReqzbeHCfbk1CwrOWgkxhCcEZUuRK6tRJadETU E3TIBG4YKDjfvlYMmKAyYnyZ89TYcXe5GhxmXWQ50iWKphAHTbSjIvepb7MJkZBY FmG9LXia0CojjMFCWR74/Itjndh4XVxMpch65sJRF6196ynsNN5GCNQavZRAjt2P xtbhEtiI8khBxMTUBP7dDkzDjIfMRWlcLqAB2rwHLXq92KT+Qc8JZ3YsX79az15E 9kJ+Pi4zjxDtzIA3MIN07UAh2jWkwhRKpHXqoyMAAwUH/227wdRfPEsYtGqjaSEE yVyHZTgMGy0FKqkGEfXa8xAeF3ZZok46Es+Z35YlGQ2q+KjvE/Ho/jZn59ryc636 nAB3M3gcacN64GO94h3Rziq3GOnb2kiqwIbryCbdwQ0Skw71Q0nXsm8HR0rHR58m dMPkoduTLuHU3c28uSdGL6CncpEzHW+ZJUnMpO0zRAlGPj4iLBbPa6Jn65knqn9C v2coS6HOlDVn1BmZpyd1f1i4fyZ/1TPZnZUJHQGOxlTVB8UQreSSywAP5GhPA+eB HH77ex2bN36oM8SZbk5p6Tp4C9ddWq/xqUXgAvVbw/IFRZM9YzPtD6vGh6srj7uZ tx+ITwQYEQIADwUCQ6AuvQIbDAUJACowAAAKCRBALF9IO07gYQf3AJ0f71K/UL9/ bY5wDgfehFJzZ+8KowCdHTS3BUcGhJ3UNpd3ucdhlSphojg= =xSWE -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- -- The older a man gets, the farther he had to walk to school as a boy. Debian Project Secretary <secretary@debian.org> <http://vote.debian.org/> 1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B 924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C
Description: PGP signature