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General Resolution: Declassification of debian-private list archives

Time Line:
   Proposal and amendment Friday, 18th November 2005
                          Tuesday, 29th November, 23:59:59 UTC, 2005
   Discussion Period:     Tuesday, 29th November, 23:59:59 UTC, 2005      -

Proposer:       Anthony Towns [ajt@debian.org]
   1. Anibal Monsalve Salazar [anibal@debian.org]
   2. Kalle Kivimaa [killer@debian.org]
   3. Wouter Verhelst [wouter@debian.org]
   4. Daniel Ruoso [ruoso@debian.org]
   5. Kurt Roeckx [kroeckx@debian.org]
   6. Don Armstrong [don@debian.org]

Text:   The actual text of the GR is:

    In accordance with principles of openness and transparency, Debian
    will seek to declassify and publish posts of historical or ongoing
    significance made to the Debian Private Mailing List.

    This process will be undertaken under the following constraints:

    * The Debian Project Leader will delegate one or more volunteers
      to form the debian-private declassification team. 
    * The team will automatically declassify and publish posts made to
      that list that are three or more years old, with the following
          o the author and other individuals quoted in messages being
            reviewed will be contacted, and allowed between four and
            eight weeks to comment; 
          o posts that reveal financial information about individuals
            or organisations other than Debian, will have that
            information removed; 
          o requests by the author of a post for that post not to be
            published will be honoured; 
          o posts of no historical or other relevance, such as
            vacation announcements, or posts that have no content
            after personal information is removed, will not be
            published, unless the author requests they be published; 
          o comments by others who would be affected by the
            publication of the post will also be taken into account by
            the declassification team; 
          o the list of posts to be declassified will be made
            available to developers two weeks before publication, so
            that the decisions of the team may be overruled by the
            developer body by General Resolution, if necessary -- in
            the event such a resolution is introduced (ie, proposed
            and sponsored), the declassification and publication of
            messages specified by the resolution will be deferred
            until the resolution has been voted on. 

Amendment Proposer:     Daniel Ruoso [ruoso@debian.org]
Amendment Seconds:      

   1. Gregory T. Norris [adric@debian.org]
   2. John Lightsey [lightsey@debian.org]
   3. Kalle Kivimaa [killer@debian.org]
   4. David Moreno Garza [damog@debian.org]
   5. Neil McGovern [neilm@debian.org]

Amendment Text:         The actual text of the amendment is:

        Propose that the Debian project resolve that the process
        defined in the Proposal will be applied only for the future
        content of debian-private mailing list.

Majority Requirement:   This proposal, along with the amendments, has
  a simple majority requirement.

There is more to life than increasing its speed. Mahatma Gandhi
Debian project Secretary <secretary@debian.org> <http://vote.debian.org/>
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