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Re: -= PROPOSAL =- Release sarge with amd64


On Thu, Jul 15, 2004 at 04:36:30PM -0400, Raul Miller wrote:
> > It does support a number of commercial binaries though already, for
> > those that need them.  Many of us don't.
> I don't know what you mean here.  Is "It" amd64 or cedega?  I'm guessing
> amd64.  Are the commercial binaries i386 or amd64?  I'm guessing amd64.

Sorry for being pedantic, but according to www.transgaming.com cedega is 
emulating WIN32, you know. Cedega is not emulating windos64 nor the 
"windows on windows" layer M$ named their biarch setup. And there is no 
amd64 release of cedega from upstream. Bug them, not the debian amd64
port, please. 

Cedega does not support 64bit mode, but it will for sure run without a
problem in a i386 chroot setup according to the amd64 howto found on
alioth. If you setup the chroot and nvidia drivers correctly, you will 
for sure be able to run doom3 as it is inteded to run as soon as it hits 
stores. We'll see next month =)

> Unless the debian amd64 port supports 32 bit binaries (the 32 bit binaries
> I'm using on an amd64 system are available for free, though they're not
> dfsg free) I think you're missing my point.
The debian port DOES support 32bit binaries. You can run them without a
problem, if you install them correctly. Just check the howto on alioth.
Only non-free stuff needing a 32bit kernel will not work until vendors 
reconsider: ATI proprietary drivers, vmware.

> I'm saying that Debian's current amd64 port isn't positioned to be useful
> in as providing extensions to a 32 bit environment.

Feel free to help in multiarch development, and consider the actual port
a transitional stage.
Do you prefer running i386 binaries and kernel on your amd64 system, wasting 
the additional registers, sse2 support and the improved memory management? 

Apparently not, considering:

> I use Debian.  On amd64.  For now, I'm using it (the i386 flavor) in a
> chroot jail on a gentoo base, or by rebooting into it.

My condolences. Wheren't you able to install debian-amd64 or why do you use 
gentoo, looking at your DD status? very, very strange. Why did I never read 
anything from you on debian-amd64 and never saw you in #debian-amd64 on opn?

Frederik Schueler

PS: don't get me wrong, gentoo has some really good and friendly
developpers, I just wonder a debian developper uses it considering the 
dispute between the two distros.


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