[This is a counter proposal to Manoj's I originally posted on debian-vote. I've substituted "Published" with "Ratified" and removed "versions".] I propose to add the following to the Constitution: § 5.1.4. Ratified versions of Foundation Documents shall be formally associated to specific releases of the Debian system. Rational ======== The Foundation Documents were a good idea. Because Foundation Documents represent portions of Policy, applying specific versions of Foundation Documents with specific Releases of Debian is perfectly acceptable. An additional Foundation Document isn't necessary to describe this process. Although the Foundation Documents themselves are not technical declarations of policy, they may affect Debian both technically and infrastructionally. This change to the Constitution focuses the affects of changes to the Foundation Documents to specific releases of the Debian system, allowing a flexible and targetable approach to implementing new policy. I haven't specified HOW versions of the Foundation Documents are associated to releases. This leaves the implementation details out of the Constitution, as it should be. -- Chad Walstrom <chewie@wookimus.net> http://www.wookimus.net/ assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */
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