Re: Proposal - Deferment of Changes from GR 2004-003
Preferring to reply to you instead of Thomas since he insists to provoke
Quoting Chad Walstrom:
> > Thus I didn't vote.
> So, now you feel it is entirely rational to get a "Do over"? You
Why not ? People do mistakes ... a bunch of volunteers can do collective
> weren't paying attention, regardless of the reason. You could have
> posted a request to Debian Vote for someone to "kernel-traffic" the
> discussion, but instead you decide that it's not worth your time and
> refuse to vote on the issue.
> Do you not see what's wrong with that approach?
Sure I see it, trust me or not I intended to do something like that but
I was on trip during a week and when I came back the vote was just
finished ... of course it's still my mistake.
Maybe we should have more coverage about votes in Debian Weekly News,
they're reporting the vote being conducted but they could give links to
some messages that summarize well the various trend appeared during the
Raphaël Hertzog -+-
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