On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 11:23:16AM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote: > > * many pieces of hardware will not be supported by the Debian system > > itself > Since we already face this "problem" woody already due to new hardware > being incompatible with older one, only the number will grow. Joey, I realise you think this is the case, but it's not. It has been quite possible to separate firmware into userspace, without separating it into a separate package, or moving it to non-free. GPL violations and DFSG violations are _always_ distinct: the former can be fixed without moving stuff to non-free, and can never be fixed simply by moving stuff to non-free; the latter can't be fixed without moving stuff to non-free and can be fixed by just moving stuff to non-free. Cheers, aj -- Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/> Don't assume I speak for anyone but myself. GPG signed mail preferred. Protect Open Source in Australia from over-reaching changes to IP law http://www.petitiononline.com/auftaip/ & http://www.linux.org.au/fta/
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