Re: Re: Re: Just a single Question for the Candidates
On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 12:04:09PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 08:32:15AM +0100, Mgr. Peter Tuharsky wrote:
> > Does somebody know what I'm talking about?
> Yes.
> In my opinion, the most serious issue [and not one I have a good solution
> for] is the state of glibc:
> [1] Upstream sources generally are not buildable on older versions of the
> tool chain. This has security implications, and is a general pain, but
> [2] Because of portability issues, it can be very hard to figure out
> what the proper solution is to any specific problem, and
> [3] Building the toolchains (binutils, gcc, glibc) involves a lot of
> knowledge of largely undocumented features. [And those features aren't
> designed to be independent of each other -- changing one option might
> involve changing a few others just to allow the build to work at all.]
That's why we have the glibc-hackers/wizards around. I consider this to
be a feature, not a bug. Glibc and the rest of the toolchain *is*
considered to be a difficult case, especially by upstream [1,2].
Anyway, this is highly off-topic for -vote, but I had a few beers and am
frustrated with the outcome of the match tonight :p
Michael Banck
Debian Developer
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