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Re: question about DPL election results

fre 2003-04-04 klockan 08.23 skrev Jochen Voss:
> Hello,
> on the "Debian Project Leader Elections 2003" page at
>     http://www.debian.org/vote/2003/vote_0001
> I read that "With 831 developers, Q=14.41353531, making a quorum of
> 43.2406059, or, rounding up, 44. Only one candidate failed to meet
> quorum."  To find a cadidate which failed quorum I would look for a
> number less then 44 in the fifth column of the tally table.
> But there is no such number.  So my question is: who did not meet
> quorum?  How can I see this from the tally table?

You have to look at (X,5) - (5,X), which gives you:

1 beats 5: 228 202 = 26
2 beats 5: 449 29 = 420
3 beats 5: 405 65 = 340
4 beats 5: 424 39 = 385

i.e. candidate 1 failed to meet quorum.

Martin Sjögren
  sjogren@debian.org -- marvin@dum.chalmers.se
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