Re: Election status
Hi ya cunning election frisbee-ers !
Do you think it is important that the vote-results webpage correctly
shows coerced votes ?
If a voter can be coerced to vote for someone she doesnt want to vote
then she can be coerced to put a hard-to-find remote exploit in a
package she maintains !
The correct response to coercion would be a confidential mail to dpl, i
It is within dpl's competence to correct the outcome of a voting,
if that outcome was caused by coercion.
(eg by rounding up 3 non-voters,
asking 2 of them to vote on the candidates that the coerced voter
didnt vote for,
and asking the third to vote on the candidate the coercee wanted to
vote for.)
(interesting frisbeeing topic, dont you think :-)
P.S. Manoj never let out that Asterix voted for Raphael !
have fun !
"Ridiculous thought : Streaming video in Debian manpages.
Hahaha, they dont even have color !"
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