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SpamAssassin questions and answers on wiki.debian.org

Hello dear enduring listeners to spamassassin questions.

I have a small one:

I couldn't find an explanation for the sarge-proposed-updates/volatile
dist branch, which also has the (me) confusing archive name "sarge-proposed".
Speculative questions:
*  Is this the analogon to sarge-proposed-updates?
*  Does that mean spamassassin 3.1.4 is going to be in the next release candidate of sarge?... 

Somehow doubting this, again not finding the volatile-sloppy docu I
needed and skipping again through all the posts on this list, I copied
various bits of (your) words together and put them into


You may want to link from the main page to this or use/modify it, so that FAQ
due to volatile-sloppy might decrease on this list.



Tobias Ulbricht/Daniel Hermann/Andreas Poenicke 
IT-Beauftragte der Institute TKM und TFP
Universitaet Karlsruhe, Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1, D-76128 Karlsruhe
eMail: gaston@tkm.uni-karlsruhe.de , Phone: ++49-721-608-3588

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