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[VUA 42-2] Updated clamav package fixes security flaw

Debian Volatile Update Announcement VUA 42-2     http://volatile.debian.org
debian-volatile@lists.debian.org                 Stephen Gran, Andi Barth
February 13th, 2008                              

Package              : clamav
Version              : etch: 0.92.1~dfsg-1volatile1, sarge: 0.92.1dfsg-0volatile1
Importance           : high
CVE IDs              : CVE-2007-6595, CVE-2008-0318

The following security flaws were found and fixed in clamav:

CVE-2007-6595: symlink attack allows to overwrite arbitrary files by
  local users via cli_gentempfd in libclamav/others.c or in sigtool
  with utf16-decode enabled.
CVE-2008-0318: integer overflow in libclamav/pe.c

By popular request, we add an update for sarge for clamav as well.
The etch version has already been published with VUA42-1.

However, we still want to encourage you to upgrade your systems to Etch - we
don't promise whether any next version of clamav will have a sarge release as
well.  Additionally, our sarge apt key has expired, so we used the etch apt key
to sign the release file.

Upgrade Instructions
You can get the updated packages at


and install them with dpkg, or add 

 deb http://volatile.debian.org/debian-volatile sarge/volatile main
 deb-src http://volatile.debian.org/debian-volatile sarge/volatile main

to your /etc/apt/sources.list. You can also use any of our mirrors.  See
http://www.debian.org/volatile/volatile-mirrors for the full list of
mirrors.  The archive signing keys is available from
http://volatile.debian.org/ziyi-etch.asc, and has been included since
the stable point release r1 in Debian Etch.

For further information about debian-volatile, please refer to

If there are any issues, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the
debian-volatile team via debian-volatile@lists.debian.org.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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