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Re: OpenSMTPD can't parse smarthost

On Wed, May 22, 2024 at 09:37:18PM -0400, Paul M Foster wrote:
> Folks:
> Here's a shot in the dark. I've looked up and down the internet, and can't
> find a solution.


> "warn: Failed to parse smarthost smtp+notls://paulf@yosemite.mars.lan:25"
> Note that the "protocol" doesn't matter. I can use "smtp" alone as the
> protocol, and it still won't parse. And yes, yosemite.mars.lan is in my
> local hosts file.

But "paul@yosemite.mars.lan" doesn't look like a host (unless you are
trying to sneak in the creds in the URL -- then I'd expect something
like user:pass@host). No idea how opensmtp works and whether it tries
to parse credentials off the URL.

Have you tried leaving out the "paul@" part? Do you have access credentials
elsewhere in your config (typically they are in a separate file to better
control access to that).


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