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Re: youtube-dl blocked?

On 4/24/24 08:30, David Wright wrote:
On Wed 24 Apr 2024 at 10:50:06 (-0400), Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 10:31:44PM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
The latest version of youtube-dl , makes it too old to try to use now; if
you can get it working with youtube, good luck to you.

An unmaintained package, that is three years since last updated, for
accessing web sites on the World Wide Web?


The youtube-dl package in Debian 12 is a transitional package which
brings in yt-dlp (version 2023.03.04-1 currently).

Whether that's too old to be usable is a good question, but it's
definitely not "three years since last updated".

My experience was similar to Bret's, only I'd long got used to not
just taking Debian's proferred version, but checking whether there
was a newer version somewhere around. It was in February 2023 when
I found that even the most modern version of youtube-dl that I could
find would still not work with some sites that had worked before.
That's when I stumbled upon yt-dlp, and realised the world had
quietly moved on.

This was in the days of bullseye, and note that bullseye still has
a /normal/ youtube-dl package, 34 months old, and no yt-dlp package.
For the latter, you need to be running backports (and I have no idea
when yt-dlp entered bullseye-backports).

It kind of reminds me of the mplayer, mpv, and the debian multimedia
site melange of a few years ago, only there there was more discussion
of rival versions (and the perils of using that site) on the list.



If you type yt-dlp --help you get a large list of options.
yt-dlp --update will get you the very latest version.  (Must be root).

Best regards,

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