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Re: youtube-dl blocked?

On Wed 24 Apr 2024 at 10:50:06 (-0400), Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 10:31:44PM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> > The latest version of youtube-dl , makes it too old to try to use now; if
> > you can get it working with youtube, good luck to you.
> > 
> > An unmaintained package, that is three years since last updated, for
> > accessing web sites on the World Wide Web?
> > 
> > Hmmmm.....
> The youtube-dl package in Debian 12 is a transitional package which
> brings in yt-dlp (version 2023.03.04-1 currently).
> Whether that's too old to be usable is a good question, but it's
> definitely not "three years since last updated".

My experience was similar to Bret's, only I'd long got used to not
just taking Debian's proferred version, but checking whether there
was a newer version somewhere around. It was in February 2023 when
I found that even the most modern version of youtube-dl that I could
find would still not work with some sites that had worked before.
That's when I stumbled upon yt-dlp, and realised the world had
quietly moved on.

This was in the days of bullseye, and note that bullseye still has
a /normal/ youtube-dl package, 34 months old, and no yt-dlp package.
For the latter, you need to be running backports (and I have no idea
when yt-dlp entered bullseye-backports).

It kind of reminds me of the mplayer, mpv, and the debian multimedia
site melange of a few years ago, only there there was more discussion
of rival versions (and the perils of using that site) on the list.


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