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Re: Strange New Installation Behavior

On 22 Apr 2024 09:00 -0400, from s.molnar@sbcglobal.net (Stephen P. Molnar):
> I downloaded and ran the 512 check sum on a copy of
> Debian-12.5.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso and ran the Graphical Install mode on the 1.0
> TD SSD on my Computer. The installation went smoothly without any warning or
> error messages.
> I logged in as root to set up the Desktop and, much to my surprise, found
> that my previous Desktop configuration was still there!!??? This was also
> the case when I logged in user!!!???

It sounds to me like you intended to do a clean reinstall, but the
obvious question given the observed behavior is: did you actually do
that? For example, did you actually reformat (create file systems

My guess would be that you installed _on top of_ the previous
installation rather than wiping and replacing it; so I'd start with
seeing if that hypothesis can be ruled out. An easy way might be to
check /var/cache/apt/archives and look for old linux-image .deb files.
If it's a freshly installed system, there should only be one or two,
likely at 6.1.0-20 for Bookworm. If you see any kernel older than
6.1.0-18, those are remnants from a previous installation (Debian 12.5
shipped with kernel ABI 6.1.0-18 <https://www.debian.org/News/2024/20240210>.)

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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