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Re: Marking as spam

On 2024-04-18 at 11:53, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

> On 18/04/2024 12:43, Hans wrote:
>> But the "Sorry" mail I did send without the spam tag. However, I
>> get it WITH the spamtag, as all mails get the DCIM=false tag in the
>> header (created by the debian servers) and megamailservers.eu add
>> the ****SPAM**** tag.
> Or you could use a less shitty mail service, because failed DKIM (I 
> assume that's what you mean by DCIM=false) does not mean that an
> email is a spam.

Good luck convincing a provider which has decided to do this of that.

> Conversely, I see a lot of spams that have a valid DKIM signature.
> Moreover, I don't think the Debian list servers validate DKIM. It's 
> probably your host that is doing so.
> And finally, your own mails fail DKIM, so for a mail server that
> seems to give so much importance to DKIM, they could at least set it
> up right.

My understanding, based I think in part on past conversations, was/is
that changes which are often made to messages automatically by
mailing-list software as part of forwarding them through to the list
members have the side effect of causing DKIM checks to fail (at least
with some DKIM-validating configurations, I'm not sure about all).

If that is correct, then not only would that likely be the reason for
Hans' mail provider seeing DKIM validation failing for all mails from
debian-user, it would also mean that mails from Hans would probably fail
DKIM validation for those who receive them through debian-user - without
meaning that his mail provider is necessarily doing DKIM wrong, at least
on the sending end.

A way to check that might be to have Hans send a mail to someone both
via the list and not, or (if that gets filtered out by some relevant
software as being a duplicate) send two mails, one via the list and the
other not. If the one via the list has the header flag for failed DKIM,
and the other doesn't, that would seem to narrow down the possibilities.

(I am not volunteering for this.)

On the other hand, if my understanding is *not* correct, then none of
that applies.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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