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Redis license change

What will Debian do with regard to the Redis announcement that they will go proprietary[0]?

Fedora seems to be moving fast to get rid of Redis[1] and maybe we should start thinking about this too?

Some drop in replacements are KeyDB[2] and redict[3]. Both of these have issues as far as debian packaging goes. KeyDB haven't yet synched the 7.x changes from upstream redis, and are still on the 6.3 patch level. Redict is a very new project, and a direct result of the license change. The KeyDB project have been a round for a while and is in heavy use by Snapchat, but does not see a heavy invetment in time from them, so development is quite slow.

0. https://redis.com/blog/redis-adopts-dual-source-available-licensing

1. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/XVFFKU2NYB2Q3BQUYNANSDNE4VCJQ6KF

2. https://github.com/Snapchat/KeyDB/issues/798

3. https://codeberg.org/redict/redict

All the best,

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