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Re: electrons/the Internet doesn't like question authority niggahs?, or is it that I like to eat raw garlic, ...

On 3/4/24, Andy Smith <andy@strugglers.net> wrote:
> Please could you rephrase your entire email to only contain
> coherent, direct questions at least tenuously about Debian.

 I am downloading one by one a bunch of (relatively small) documents I
need (I work on corpora research) and the critical part of my bash
script looks like:

   wget --no-check-certificate --server-response --no-verbose
--continue --user-agent="${ua}" --keep-session-cookies --execute
robots=off --waitretry=1 --tries=5  --output-document="${opdf}"
--output-file="${log}" "${pdf}"
   if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "// __ [$_ix/$_lns): ${pdf}|${dmn}_${bn}| *~ download failed"
 >> "${failed_log}" 2>&1
    ping="${odir}/${dmn}_${dt}_ping.txt"; time ( ping -c 4 "${dmn}" >
"${ping}" 2>&1 ) >> "${ping}" 2>&1
    trace="${odir}/${dmn}_${dt}_traceroute.txt"; time( sudo traceroute
--debug --tcp "${dmn}" > "${trace}" 2>&1 ) >> "${trace}" 2>&1
    dig="${odir}/${dmn}_${dt}_dig.txt"; time ( dig +time=5 "${dmn}" >
"${dig}" 2>&1 ) >> "${dig}" 2>&1

 Most connections attempts are either missed or dropped even though I
am testing first that the data is there. Maybe you know a better way
you would share?
 When I use brave/private/TOR (which apparently uses its own DNS
strategy) things become a lot less problematic (even if noticeably
slower than it already is), so it seems I may have to run brave
through Selenium ...
 I have never been able to see a traceroute log in all its integrity.
I would not go:
 sudo service networking restart
 after every traceroute run, because I am using my employers Internet
and I don't want to risk "electrons" getting even angrier with me.

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