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Re: {OT] Mailing lists etc for postmasters


On Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 11:00:13AM +0000, Gareth Evans wrote:
> https://support.google.com/a/answer/81126?hl=en#requirements-5k&zippy=%2Crequirements-for-sending-or-more-messages-per-day%2Crequirements-for-all-senders
> mentions DMARC in requirements for all senders:
> "Don’t impersonate Gmail From: headers. Gmail will begin using a DMARC quarantine enforcement policy, and impersonating Gmail From: headers might impact your email delivery."

Talks about gmail's own use of DMARC, not the sender's.

> Can a "DMARC quarantine enforcement policy" operate, if the sender
> doesn't use DMARC?  This idea seems to relate more to SPF than
> anything?

gmail's own policy is quarantine so if you send from somewhere that
isn't gmail, while pretending to be from a gmail property, gmail
indicates that it wishes¹ for your email to be quarantined by the


¹ Even receiving sites that process DMARC sometimes don't carry out
  the DMARC author's wishes. As a common example that most of us
  will have seen, Mailman mailing lists will often just selectively
  rewrite the headers.

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