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Re: shred bug? [was: Unidentified subject!]

On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 11:01:47PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> … but not much. For me, "standard output" is /dev/fd/1, yet it seems
> unlikely that anyone is going to use >&1 in the manner of the example.

Standard output means "whatever file descriptor 1 points to".  That
could be a file, a pipe, a terminal (character device), etc.

> I might write something like: "The option ‘-’ shreds the file specified
> by the redirection ‘>&N’", though there could be a better name for ‘>&N’.

You're assuming the program will be used from a shell.  This is *usually*
going to be true, but nothing prevents you from writing a C program
which closes stdout, opens a file, ensures that it's using FD 1,
and then calls "shred -".  The documentation has to support this use
case as well.

> >    A FILE of ‘-’ denotes standard output.  The intended use of this is
> >    to shred a removed temporary file.  For example:
> > 
> >       i=$(mktemp)
> >       exec 3<>"$i"
> >       rm -- "$i"
> >       echo "Hello, world" >&3
> >       shred - >&3
> >       exec 3>-
> I can see that the last line truncates the "anonymous" file,

No, that's not what it does at all.  In fact, that last line is
written incorrectly.  It should say "exec 3>&-" and what that does
is close file descriptor 3, which was previously opened on line 2.

What it actually does *as written* is create/truncate a file whose
name is "-", close the previously opened FD 3, and make FD 3 point
to the file named "-".

unicorn:~$ exec 3>-
unicorn:~$ ls -ld -- -
-rw-r--r-- 1 greg greg 0 Feb 13 07:12 -
unicorn:~$ ls -l /dev/fd/3
l-wx------ 1 greg greg 64 Feb 13 07:12 /dev/fd/3 -> /home/greg/-

This is an obvious bug in the info page.  I wonder how many years
this has gone unnoticed.

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