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Re: Fast Random Data Generation (Was: Re: Unidentified subject!)

On 2/12/24 08:30, Linux-Fan wrote:
David Christensen writes:

On 2/11/24 02:26, Linux-Fan wrote:
I wrote a program to automatically generate random bytes in multiple threads:

What algorithm did you implement?

I copied the algorithm from here:

That Java code uses locks, which implies it uses global state and cannot be run multi-threaded (?). (E.g. one process with one JVM.)

Is it possible to obtain parallel operation on an SMP machine with multiple virtual processors? (Other than multiple OS processes with one PRNG on one JVM each?)

I found it during the development of another application where I needed a lot of random data for simulation purposes :)

My implementation code is here:

If I were to do it again today, I'd probably switch to any of these PRNGS:

* https://burtleburtle.net/bob/rand/smallprng.html
* https://www.pcg-random.org/

Hard core. I'll let the experts figure it out; and then I will use their libraries and programs.


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