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Re: testing new sdm drive

tomas@tuxteam.de wrote: 
> On Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 07:50:18AM -0500, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > So, if you want to use `badblocks`, you may want to do it on an
> > encrypted partition (that covers the whole device) rather than on the
> > raw device.
> This is an interesting idea. I haven't wrapped my head around "what if
> the controller maps several block addresses to the same physical block"?
> Perhaps you'd have to fill the disk and check afterwards?

Blocks are very likely to be 128KB, sometimes 64KB.

I would (I have, in the past) generate a non-random but mostly
incompressible large file -- a compressed movie is pretty good for this -- 
use md5sum to get its hash, and then write it under a variety of
names until I fill the disk. 

Then read back each file and compare the md5sum of each file to
the known value. They should be all the same.

I found a bad RAID controller this way.


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