debian-user Apr 2023 by thread
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Re: How to get rid of the synaptic message (mentioned below) at the end of installing a package? David Wright
OT: Live-Build creator with GUI? Hans
Monthly FAQ for Debian-user list (unmodified 1/4/2023) Andrew M.A. Cater
/libfreenect/build/wrappers/python/freenect3.c:747:10: fatal error: numpy/arrayobject.h: File or directory not found Mario Marietto
Re: Which takes priority, ipv4, or ipv6? Tim Woodall
Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin? coreyh
A Campaign Aide Didn’t Write That Email. A.I. Did. -- NYT ghe2001
Commands dont work darryl bruton
apt colored output (was Re: Buster => Bullseye: packages kept back) davidson
|Inquiry regarding fixing the error light display manager Bala personal
Re: Buster => Bullseye: packages kept back Vincent Lefevre
apache2: fix the regressions introduced by security upgrade in Bullseye? Harald Dunkel
Pinning not working?! Thomas Schweikle
my immature thoughts on perl coreyh
The problem with xscreensaver and my queries that weren't addressed Susmita/Rajib
How to enable the audio on the Kinect 1 so that I can talk without having the microphone attached to my mouth...on Debian. Mario Marietto
package libxnvctrl0 installed by xfce, but nouveau is installed zithro
Re: Your email password has expired tobias schwibingerr
Re: Debian 11 installer crashed and reboot zithro
Bullseye and hplip install tony mollica
vtty & X terminal color scourge Felix Miata
Can not pre-configure KDE Plasma bottom panel nor Dolphin with Kiosk Yvan Masson
CVE-2023-1393 and TigerVNC Andrew C Aitchison
Debian Bookworm RC 1 installer- a Bug? Peter Ehlert
Looking to a KDE or desktop agnostic software to batch resize pictures Yvan Masson
questions about cron.daily coreyh
How: Require root password instead of user password for GUI programs B.M.
bounncy keyboard jeremy ardley
cups not sharing printers with other bullseye machines gene heskett
what's $_ in bash tom
Re: paragraph conversion (was Re: Which Diff tool could I use for visually comparing two text files where Word Wrap is possible?) Susmita/Rajib
how to limit a CPU temperature? songbird
ICMP router advertisement (ipv4) Tim Woodall
how to change default nameserver? coreyh
Missing Input Source - which package to file bug against? Pankaj Jangid
Getting Admin Rights Aren Vardhan
apt temporary failure resolving Badli Al Rashid
USB-slot for to play MP3 fuf
Re: Bookworm system randomly not responding (was Re: Bookworm system not responding on high memory usage) Xiyue Deng
Riddling over systemctl, pulseaudio, firefox-esr, and Thomas Schmitt
- Re: Riddling over systemctl, pulseaudio, firefox-esr, and David Wright
- Re: Riddling over systemctl, pulseaudio, firefox-esr, and Thomas Schmitt
- Re: Riddling over systemctl, pulseaudio, firefox-esr, and Henning Follmann
- Re: Riddling over systemctl, pulseaudio, firefox-esr, and tomas
- Re: Riddling over systemctl, pulseaudio, firefox-esr, and Thomas Schmitt
- Re: Riddling over systemctl, pulseaudio, firefox-esr, and tomas
- Re: Riddling over systemctl, pulseaudio, firefox-esr, and Thomas Schmitt
- Re: Riddling over systemctl, pulseaudio, firefox-esr, and Thomas Schmitt
- Re: Riddling over systemctl, pulseaudio, firefox-esr, and tomas
https://<FQDN>:<port> vs. https://<IP address>:<port>. peter
update-initramfs Marc Auslander
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