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Re: lists


On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 11:30:24AM -0500, Pocket wrote:
> On 12/20/23 11:26, tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > And yes, yell to your provider. Everyone and her dog coming
> > up with random policies is what's killing email.
> I am sure the will be quaking in their boots if I call them to demand them
> to fix this,  ROLLS EYES

Okay, this is my last attempt to ask you to be constructive: if your
email provider rejects Debian's emails to you because there are too
many of them, what do you propose happens to solve that issue?

The most disruptive symptom of that issue for you is that Debian's
mailing list manager automatically unsubscribes you. I don't think
that Debian will spend effort making that not happen, because in
general it is the right thing to do for persistently undeliverable
addresses like yours. But even if they did, it would not fix the
root problem for you as you'd still be missing a lot of Debian email.


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