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Re: lists


On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 10:43:04AM -0500, Pocket wrote:
> On 12/20/23 10:35, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> > For the gateway errors and majordomo delays, you should probably
> > contact <listmaster@lists.debian.org>. Also see
> > <https://www.debian.org/contact>.
> That goes without any response, I can not tell if the email was delivered or
> ignored.
> So that is a negative, as it results in nothing.

Unfortunately I don't think there is anyone else here that can help
you. I forwarded your mail to listmaster@lists.debian.org myself in
case there is some problem that is causing your own emails to be
discarded. Myself I have had pretty good response time from the
humans behind listmaster@lists.debian.org whenever I've had cause to
contact them.


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