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Re: Mouse single click handling?

On Tue, 19 Dec 2023 17:01:46 +0100 (CET)
local10 <local10@tutanota.com> wrote:

Hello local10,

> So I thought perhaps there was a way to fix them instead of buying a
> new one every 6-12 months.

Replace the flaky switch.  If you're not happy wielding a soldering
iron, get a friend to do it - assuming you know someone competent at

Failing that, when you come to buy a new mouse, pay more;  That way, one
would hope, that the quality of parts would be better, making for a
longer life.

My mouse developed similar behaviour;  LMB(1) became very touchy.  I
replaced the switch about three years ago and am still using the same
device now.  The mouse is now over a decade old.

Also, it's a good idea to give your mouse a darn good clean every now
and then.  This means taking it apart to get all the dust and other cruft
out that accumulates over time.

(1)  IME it's almost always LMB that fails - it gets far more use than

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Early morning when I wake up I look like Kiss but without the make-up
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