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Re: Need clarifications about how to deal with the installed problematic kernel, linux-image-6.1.0-14-amd64 (6.1.64-1)

On 11 Dec 2023 04:31 +0100, from rewefie@gmx.com (Stella Ashburne):
> Someone on a social media platform stated that there are only two
> "canonical" [sic] ways to verify the version of Debian installed on
> a system. They are:
> uname -a
> /proc/version
> Do you agree with the above statement?


Running `uname -a` or looking at the contents of `/proc/version` will
only tell you about the _currently running_ _kernel_. There is no
guarantee that a given kernel version maps exactly to any given Debian
release or point-in-time state.

If you want to specify the installation state of a Debian system, you
should specify the point release you're on (from /etc/debian_version
on any modern Debian) and the full _package_ version of any relevant
packages (as reported by e.g. dpkg -l). Note that the package version
may be different from the version reported by a program itself.

A lot of the time, something like "current up-to-date Bookworm" or
"Bookworm per <UTC timestamp>" is sufficiently precise, as long as you
have confirmed that this is actually the case.

>>> sudo dpkg -i linux-image-6.1.0-13-amd64
>>> [...]
>>> Is the above the correct way to install kernels that are not in the official repos?
>> Not quite, because dpkg -i wants a file path, not a package name
>> (that's for apt/apt-get).
> 2. sudo dpkg -i openvpn_2.6.8-bookworm0_amd64.deb

linux-image-6.1.0-13-amd64 is a package name. (You can check this with
apt-cache show.)

openvpn_2.6.8-bookworm0_amd64.deb is presumably a file name.

"File path" does not necessarily require specifying a directory
component of the path; a bare file name is also a (relative) path.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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