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Re: time question, as in ntp?

On 12/4/23 02:43, gene heskett wrote:

So the next question is, is ntpsec serving my time, or utc. This hdware clock is supposedly set to UTC, but what is ntpsec serving? It s/b serving UTC IMO. But I'm in the dark here, haven't had to fool with this in the last 24 years.

I'm pretty sure your NTP server will be dealing UTC time; mine, running on a GPS, does, and all the the machines on the net stay in lockstep to within a few dozen microseconds most of the time.

I think you have to figure out how to tell your printer driver to set its timezone to Eastern; it's not Debian (or Red Hat or HP-UX or Solaris) and I don't have any idea. If it were debian(-derived) you could say "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" - might be worth a try. Or maybe consult the vendor.

Tom Dial

The current state is that the 3d printer has only a 169.254.x.y link-local address configured as a fallback.

Which is now fixed.

Thanks all.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.

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