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Re: On changing the subject lines, and gmail

On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 01:43:49PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hello,
> After being shocked to learn in this year 2023 that gmail web
> interface does not do threading, and that changing the subject line
> will break such an email out from what gmail considers the
> "conversation" and into a new "conversation", I wondered how many
> people reading this list use gmail and might thus be confused by
> this practice.
> Of course, I cannot tell how many passive readers there are of this
> list, so all I could check was the posters.

Well 'yours truly' is one passive reader that uses Gmail on this list. Of 
course I use mutt (which does proper threadeing) with it and rarely touch 
the web interface. I've had no issues with threading from Gmail, when using 
IMAP with mutt.

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