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Re: Domain name to use on home networks

On 28/10/2023 05:48, Jeffrey Walton wrote:

Yeah, just file a bug and let whomever else deal with it. Whatever
text is proposed, it will be rejected in favor of what the person with
check-in privileges wants.

Or worse, the person with check-in privileges will torture the
submitter with an endless stream of minute changes, as if the
submitter is a personal secretary, in an effort "teach" the submitter
for his/her benefit of expected volumes of future patches.

Be a bit more patient. A person may be busy with other tasks including patches from other people and has no time to explain why a suggested change may be confusing as well. They may be trying to preserve your authorship in git history. They may be unsure concerning proper wording and testing if alternatives may be interpreted incorrectly. It might help to express expectations explicitly.

Finally it is reality that not all proposed patches are applied even if you invest your time preparing them.

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