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Re: XFCE4 without panels

On Tue, 3 Oct 2023 21:53:36 +0100
Joe <joe@jretrading.com> wrote:

> I use the Third Option, the deskbar, which gives vertical panels at
> the side and as far as I can see, no spaces between anything, unless
> you actually place a separator. I use 36 pixels for the launcher
> panel and 44 pixels, on the other side, for open applications and
> notifications. The Applications icon has to be renamed to no more
> than four letters, as the text is horizontal in 36 pixels width, I
> call mine 'Main'. The panels can be set to a fixed size or to
> autosize, and I keep the right-hand one down a bit from the top. Some
> applications don't know to keep the panel area clear, and if it's
> right at the top, I lose the close widget as the panel stays on top
> of the application. The panels can be set to autohide, but I prefer
> to keep them open all the time.
> The analogue clock is 60 pixels wide to make it useful, and I leave it
> unlocked. Wherever it is placed it will obscure something at some
> time, so I leave it movable.

Not sure what the "deskbar" is. However, I tried one last time to get
XFCE's panel to act right vertically on the left, it looks fine. So I
added polybar, and it's pretty much what I was looking for.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog: http://noferblatz.com
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