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Re: "locate" easier to use than "find"

On Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:56:11 +0200
<tomas@tuxteam.de> wrote:

>On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 03:19:19PM +0200, Roger Price wrote:
>> On Mon, 21 Aug 2023, Hans wrote:
>> > find .mozilla -name favicons.sqlite -ls
>> >  1512492   2144 -rw-r--r--   1 myusername myusernama  2195456 Aug
>> > 21 13:29 .mozilla/firefox/gs0gkgv2.default/favicons.sqlite 1515049
>> >    260 -rw-r--r--   1 myusername myusername   262144 Aug 18 22:36
>> > .mozilla/firefox/th3dv2jy.default-1461749950404/favicons.sqlite
>> For me command "locate" is easier to use than "find":
>They do different things. Locate is much faster, but it only looks
>into file names. Find can do nearly everything, like looking into
>file metadata ("show me all files younger than 12 days" or "owned
>by www-data"), running external programs (e.g. grep), yadda, yadda.
>To each job its tool.

Have basically stopped using traditional 'find' outside of scripts, as
always thought I was about the last one. Replaced with 'fd-find' which
really is simpler/more intuitive, sometimes actually faster. Quite
typical case where ~20% of the functionality will be doing the trick
90% of the time, in less time, and to me that already looks more like
99%. Especially on single user systems. I'm feeling rather more sorry
to say it's the same with 'ag', better known as the silversearcher,
another one of those long-serving workhorses that by the way is slated
for being dropped from Debian in just a couple of days: no longer
maintained, long dead upstream. I've used it for heavy grepping about
everywhere and for so many years. Most obvious replacement in this case
apparently 'ripgrep', also Rust of course. Has a few more edges I find
a little weird but got comfortable in a matter of a days anyhow. It's
all similar enough, about the hardest part is getting the actual
commands right: never a big fan of aliases I still regularly type
'find' instead of 'fd', it's muscle memory. ;)

Meanwhile traditional (m)locate got itself replaced with plocate, it
wasn't always that fast! Old things go, new arrive, I'm still using
bash though. Sorry for going off on another tangent. If anyone is still
using 'ag', just consider the options. And yes, GNU 'find' is
overcomplicated, I've long made do with a couple of shell functions
just to fight the repetition.


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